Hi GeddyLee,
You talking about stubby, puzzle teeth, Elder Johnson and your identical twin brother? How about wandering Wigle?
Figured it out yet?
i have seen several threads about how the elders are going to be going around asking people if they still consider themselves to be jehovah's witnesses.
this will undoubtedly result in multiple da announcements in the coming months.
i'm curious how the average jw will perceive this and respond to it.
Hi GeddyLee,
You talking about stubby, puzzle teeth, Elder Johnson and your identical twin brother? How about wandering Wigle?
Figured it out yet?
new years eve 1996 was the last time i enjoyed a new years eve with a girlfriend.
even though i wasnt into celebtrating it in a major way because of the jw influence on my life, it was a really great time to be with someone i cared about.
1997 onwards i became involved with the jws and of course i couldnt become involved with a worldly girl, so i became celebate.
Not only are you alone, feeling sorry for yourself, but nobody even cares enough to comment. You have to love the irony of it.
I just couldn't leave this one alone,
i have seen several threads about how the elders are going to be going around asking people if they still consider themselves to be jehovah's witnesses.
this will undoubtedly result in multiple da announcements in the coming months.
i'm curious how the average jw will perceive this and respond to it.
Geddy Lee,
Senile huh? Just because I'm old and say stupid things, and never make sense, and...
what were we talking about again?
i have seen several threads about how the elders are going to be going around asking people if they still consider themselves to be jehovah's witnesses.
this will undoubtedly result in multiple da announcements in the coming months.
i'm curious how the average jw will perceive this and respond to it.
I can't agree with the idea of lying because we were lied to. Personally, I won't lower myself to their level. Do you really want to become what you hate? If you do, how are you any better than they are? I agree with what Mary said. Just don't answer the door. If you have caller ID, use it just as if this was just another telemarketer calling to sell you something you don't need. I already don't answer the door everytime someone knocks, so for me this would be an easy solution. It's not that difficult to become unreachable. I've done it for years.
i understand from a sermon that my mother heard at her church that the gold and things that the magi brought when they visited the new jesus was used in making predictions by these astrologers.. in view of what it says about divation etc etc in deuteromny x x ,should a jw own gold shares or even gold items?
You are correct. All gold items should be immediately delived to the local KH where they can be sent directly to Brooklyn for proper disposal. Failure to do this immediately will result in Jehovah's displeasure, and indicate a "running ahead of the organization" attitude.
the number of anointed is virtually unchanged,.
over the past 14 years.
"The number of anointed is virtually unchanged, over the past 14 years. Why?"
Because it's all a fantasy based on imagination.
i know that the "policy" has now changed regarding the "generation of 1914".
but what about the great crowd of 1935?
the watchtower publication "survival into a new earth" (printed 1984) claims that some of those of the "great crowd" in 1935 will enter into the new world.
Ever wonder why the 144,000 were sealed by 1935? Because they taught that everyone was going to heaven before that. So when the numbers surpassed the 144,000 mark, they developed new "truths" to explain it away. Therefore, those who had been taught they were going to heaven held on to that belief, thereby sealing the 144,000.
this morning as i got up, it was 0 f outside.
this morning at 9 o'clock as usual the same witnesses will go door to door at this temperature.
i already saw them going door to door at -25 f. i wonder what it would take for them to say it is too cold or too hot to go out in the field service?
Maybe we should cross reference this thread with the one on mental illness! Why? Because it's crazy to expose yourself to these dangerous conditions for such a useless endeavor.
2300 days from december 20 2002 brings you to april 8 2009. april.
8, 2009 is nisan 14 - memorial /passover.
daniel 8:13 "and i got to hear a certain holy one speaking and.
Sorry for not getting back to this topic sooner, but this board is not a priority.
Prolog2 stated: "JW's are the carriers of the most important factor needed by mankind to get to the next level. "
This is only your opinion, since there are many factors which could bring mankind to the "next level". I can say that with confidence since the idea of "the next level" can be what ever my imagination wants it to be at this particular time.
Prolog2 stated: "They have abandoned Nationalism"
No they haven't. They are as nationalistic as the next guy, except their government is an imaginary one.
Prolog2 stated: "They carry this beyond simply refusal to fight in war. They also refuse to worhip the symbols of nationalism (flags, anthems) and they do not get involved in this worlds politics."
They have replaced the symbolism of the worlds nations with their own WatchTower symbol. It's on all their halls. It's in their literature. What's the difference? True, they do not get involved in politics, but they also contribute nothing to the community. They are leeches who, take from society and return nothing. For example, like you stated, they will not fight in wars, but they are first in line to benefit from the freedoms that are achieved by results of war. Do you think JW's would be knocking on doors if Germany had won WW2?
Prolog2 stated: "They are a "civil society"." Explain this to those who have been shunned by their families because of the treatment at the hands of these people.
No, I stand by my original question: How does thus insignificant cult matter in anything?
2300 days from december 20 2002 brings you to april 8 2009. april.
8, 2009 is nisan 14 - memorial /passover.
daniel 8:13 "and i got to hear a certain holy one speaking and.
Why would you factor JW's in your theory? What have they to do with anything of significance?